
Shoemaking Artifacts: Racks

Shoemaking Artifacts: Racks
The rolling rack is an integral part of any shoe factory. If you were to visit our factory you’d see more shoe racks than just about anything else. We don’t keep a count but my guess is that we have hundreds of various types of racks throughout the factory.

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The Sounds Of Handsewing

handsewing a beefroll penny loafer
Our factory is a noisy place; Exhaust fans, air compressors, and shoemaking machines are all loud and unpleasant sounding. However, in the quiet moments it's easy to recognize how satisfying and pleasant the sounds of shoemaking can be. We took some time, when the factory was quiet, to document the audio and visual beauty of handsewing the Beefroll Penny Loafer.

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Maine's Logging History

Maine's Logging History

Lumber and paper products is the largest industry in Maine. Its history dates back all the way to the early 1600s when the English settlers came to Maine and noticed the tall white pine trees on Monhegan Island. They started cutting down trees on the island and soon on the mainland as a resource to build ships. They found the trees so valuable that they began marking them for ship building, claiming them for the king. The need for these trees soon increased after the Revolutionary War for building ships and infrastructure, which were much needed in the new American economy. The trees that were...

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